Planning a Childproof Garden

Gardening for kids is one of the best ways to get them outside and active. We don’t feel children should be scared to get their hands dirty, in fact we hope all children should enjoy the visceral feel of putting their hands in soil and getting dirt under their nails.


But to garden safely with children you should plan a childproof plan to a make sure that everyone has a great experience.

Screens and Fences
Use screens and fences to enclose a garden and protect it from animals and young children who may want to pull on seedlings or step on newly planted bulbs. Make sure that gates are above the height of small children and are not easy to reach. Lockable gates should also be used around water features such as in ground fountains or ponds which can be dangerous to young children.

Watch out for Steps
If you are building a garden that you’d like your small children to enjoy with you, avoid steps. Instead build small ramps or inclines. Falls are always something to look out for outside.

Protect from the Sun
Wearing proper gardening attire should not only include clothes that are ok to get dirty but also clothing that will properly protect your child from the sun. Long sleeves, hats, and sunscreen should be used during every gardening session. Consider gardening during the morning or late afternoon to take advantage of the natural shade.


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