The art of origami originated in Japan and has been around for centuries. With a few well placed paper folds, you can make hundreds of objects.
Origami is the perfect activity for staying indoors and beating the boredom of quarantine.
We plan on writing up a full guide to starting origami, but for now we wanted to share a fun project that our friends at Infiniti shared with us called “Carigami”.

Infiniti was seeking a fun way to introduce their global “Park it for Now” campaign, and the Carigami is the perfect way to do it.
The first Carigami model is a red Q50 that is available here to download and assemble. A QX80 and FX retro model will soon follow.

First, print the download which includes the flat Carigami as well as instructions for making your folds. The only tools you need are a sharp craft knife and glue.
We’re excited to see your build, so please post your creations and use the hashtags #BuiltbyKids #ParkitforNow #Carigami