Thomas the Train Storage Bins


We get it now! Thomas the Train has become an obsession in our home and finding storage bins for the new toys has become a challenge. After just a couple viewings of the Thomas the Train show, our little guy was hooked and this was before he even realized that the Thomas the Train toys existed.


Thanks to Craigslist we nabbed a Thomas the Train set and round house plus a motorized James train and a few engines for $70 which we feel is a good deal considering how expensive these toys are. We’ve mixed in some Brio and Melissa and Doug trains as well which all work together. The James train is die-cast and is 12 years old but after changing out the battery its still running like new. I’m hoping it lasts as our two-year old is testing it’s limits.


We currently store the Thomas the Train set in a clear box but we are considering some of the other options available including a train table with storage drawers underneath as well as storage bins that fit neatly in his room. We prefer the non-branded storage bins as they simply look better and give us more options.

Here are some of our favorite Thomas the Train Storage bins.


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